I Love Coconuts!

It’s no secret to my family that I LOVE COCONUT. I always have since I was very very young. And I’m talking about 5 years old young. It was all well and good when I was living in Indonesia. Coconuts are everywhere there! When I moved to Australia, I couldn’t enjoy coconuts whenever I want anymore, and when I can, the price is steep!

So over the years I’ve come across several different types of coconuts here.

Bottled Coconut Drink

Bottled Coconut Drink

Cap of Bottled Coconut Drink

Cap of Bottled Coconut Drink

I had heard from a few people that this bottle of coconut drink is really good. The packaging is certainly attractive and I especially love how the cap says “Happiness in a bottle”. However I have to say that this is one of the worst coconut drink I’ve tasted. It’s sweet and does not taste like young coconut. There is “meat” (pulp) in it but it’s hard and very small…

Frozen Coconut from Asian Grocery Store

Frozen Coconut from Asian Grocery Store

This is my favourite on-the-go coconut drink. You get these things from some asian grocery store. We found some at Lucky in North Bridge the other day. You keep these cups in the freezer and there’s instructions on the cup on how to prepare it. What I usually do is put the opened cup in the microwave for about a minute.

There’s also frozen coconut drink that comes in little baggies. I feel like this kind irritates my throat so I stopped buying that.

Real fresh coconut

Real fresh coconut

Nothing beats the actual thing of course so here’s a real fresh coconut. It’s a Thai coconut that you can find in markets and I believe some supermarkets or Asian grocers. They’re still different from the green coconut back home but hey, this is all I got for now!

This particular one was my coconut drink at a restaurant here in Perth, so they opened it for me but it was very pricey. However you can easily buy these coconuts for a lot cheaper ($3 for 2 coconuts rather than the $4.90 coconut in the picture above) at grocery stores and markets and  open it yourself! I admit I tried to open it without instructions and oh dear it didn’t go well at all. However after watching a youtube video, it turned out to be pretty easy 🙂

How to open a coconut? Watch this video:


Who else loves coconuts?

Lots of smiles,


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