Meet 6 Garlic & Mr. ROnion

Hello hello! I hope you are having an awesome weekend so far. I’m just here to quickly introduce you to my 6 garlic and Mr. ROnion!

6 Garlic is a pot of 6 garlic (obviously) and Mr. ROnion is a red onion in a separate pot. I saw so many posts about planting garlic on Pinterest and so I wanted to give it a try.

I’m not much of a green thumb but I thought I’d give planting garlic and onions a go. I’m in to try lots of things at the moment! #YOLO. I’ve just been following a few instructions from the internet. I put them on my patio (with a roof) and water them about twice a week since it is autumn here in the lower half of Australia. I also sprinkled a little tiny bit of Epsom salt on top of it the other day as fertiliser. If anyone has any tips, do let me know!

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Yes, I am so creative I write details on some extra plastic spoons we had laying around the house from takeaways and such. *sarcasm*

Anyway I will probably write update blogs on these two pots every now and then!

I hope you have a wonderful rest of the weekend!


Lots of Smiles,

Sita Carolina


Hello World!


How are you today?

This is my first post on this blog and I suppose I should let you know why I created this blog. I want to basically share some of the things that makes me happy which usually involves DIYs, hauls (a.k.a. bargains), cute things, visits to places, etc. Why you ask? Well, I made it a resolution this year that I will be happy.

This year happens to be my first year in the big bad world. I recently graduated from university (I’m a bachelor! Yay!) at the end of last year and well, there are more things that upsets me that I would like. But I believe that happiness is a way of thinking – a point of view. So I figured this blog would be my way of reminding myself to think happy thoughts. Also by blogging, there’s the added bonus of documenting parts of my life and to give me motivation to actually FINISH my DIYs (yes, I am one of those people who a lot of the time don’t finish my DIY projects).

I suppose I should now let you know a little bit about me. I am a tiny 20 year old Asian girl whose two (WAY) younger sisters have surpassed my height (I don’t like to discuss by how much). I am an Indonesian born Chinese and I am now living in Australia. English is definitely not my first language (sorry for the mistakes, I’m still trying to improve!). I used to dance (a lot) and I had to stop (twice) due to injuries. Since then, I picked up a camera instead and fell in love with the world of photography (please visit my photography blog! –> Precious.S2 Photography). I have a “baby” in the form of a DSLR camera and I protect it with my life (seriously, I don’t let 99.9% of the people touch it). I love watching make-up, hair, fashion and DIY videos on youtube but hardly ever put on make-up myself or pay much attention to my hair or fashion. Unfortunately, unlike a lot of bloggers, I am NOT a foodie. I eat to live, not live to eat. However, if I skip a meal I will turn into a monster and eat you. Also, according to the people around me, I have more than a slight obsession with vampires.

Anyway I should stop here and please subscribe for a Sprinkle O’Rainbow!


Lots of Smiles,
