10c MUD Nail Polish?

Wow, it’s been a while since I last posted anything hasn’t it…

Earlier this week, I was randomly going into Woolworths near where I lived and BAM. I saw what could possibly be a pot of gold (to me anyways…). Nail polish clearance for TEN CENTS. I am a nail polish lover if you can’t already tell by my previous posts or if you’re a new reader to my blog.

Ten 10c MUD Nail Polishes

Ten 10c MUD Nail Polishes

When I saw these MUD Nail Polishes, I was a little sceptical of their quality since I haven’t heard of their brand before. But then I thought: “They’re 10c. If I buy ten of them, that makes $1. If they work awesomely then GREAT. If not, I’ll re-purpose them for some DIY or something. All else fails, I’ll just chuck it away. They’re only $1 total.” So I bought ten of them.

Some of the polishes on my finger nails

Some of the polishes on my finger nails a few hours after application.

I tried most of them on my ten fingers with two of the colours repeated and another two I didn’t use. I did my nails on Monday with the Sally Hansen Hard as Nails Hardener for the base coat, two coats of the colour, and Sally Hansen Mega Shine top coat (my favourite base and top coats ever!). It is now Friday and other than slight wear on the edges of my nails, I don’t see any chips which is amazing!

The same nails today.

The same nails today.

So it was a pot of gold in the end.

Plus, don’t you think that photograph of the nail polishes summarise “Sprinkle O’Rainbow” really well? 😀

Lots of Smiles,


For The Love of Giant Panda [DIY T-Shirt & Mix Apparel Haul]

So about a month ago I saw a post by Crissey from HelloCrissey on Tumblr on how she did a DIY Panda Face Sweater. I’ve always loved the Giant Panda and frankly I’m always drawn to tops that has a panda face on it. Not to mention, the official mascot of the residential college I attended is a Giant Panda. So I decided to take the techniques and templates from Crissey’s tutorial and made my own Panda T-Shirt.

The Haul

Since mum already had the needle and thread, all I needed was the t-shirt.

I went to search for a good, comfortable plain white t-shirt that are super affordable (I never like to spend money on overpriced stuff). I tried looking at many places both online and offline stores. In the end, I unexpectedly found some at Coles by Mix Apparel. I picked up 2 T-Shirts from the clearance section – one more fitting and the other loose fitting. Though the colour is a little more like cream than it is white, I thought this would make the tee looks less “harsh” and give it a “lived in” look which I love.

The bag the Mix Apparel T-Shirts were packaged in at the check out

Fitted V-Neck Mix Apparel T-Shirt in XS

Loose-fit Round-Neck Mix Apparel T-Shirt in S

The End Product

My DIY Panda Face T-Shirt

Embroidery Hoop

I pretty much followed exactly how Crissey did it in her blog post (and used her template too – which printed to about half an A4 size) but I thought that I didn’t like how hers looked “bunched up” – like she pulled on the needle too hard while sewing. To solve this problem, I concentrated in stitching with very little “pull” and also used an embroidery hoop I had laying around.

I also used “long and short stitch” to fill in rather than “satin stitch” as suggested by my mother to give it a more “natural” look at the end. Click HERE for a few basic stitches and to see the difference between the two stitches. They ARE quite similar to each other.

I used in total one embroidery floss plus a little bit more (maybe another 30cm), loading the needle with 2 out of the 6 strands of the floss at a time.

Embroidery Floss

In the end, because the T-Shirt material is so soft and stretchy (and super comfortable!) the stitching still looked like they were too tight. Luckily, I have a super-mum and she told me a very awesome trick!

TIP: Iron the embroidery afterwards from the back side (so turn the t-shirt inside out) to lessen the “pulled” look.


The project took me 2 days to complete – with breaks. I did this while watching TV-Shows/Movies/YouTube clips on my desk.

Though I could have filled in more of the black, I think in the end I pretty much succeded this DIY and I can’t wait to start my next DIY Project!

Don’t forget to follow Sprinkle O’Rainbow for more posts!

Lots of Smiles,
